Register with us as a New Patient




Changes to registration during Covid-19 Pandemic

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, patients are asked to register without coming into the practice. To register you will need to complete our online registration form and our alcohol consumption self-assessment


New Patient Registration

You may still register with us if you live outside of our catchment area (the Hither Green Area) however please note that our doctors will not visit you at home. Please check with reception if you are not sure. You can download our registration documents below or pop in to the surgery and collect a form and accompanying documents. Before you are fully registered you will need to attend the surgery for a new patient health check.


Accountable / Named GP for All Patients

All patients registered at The Woodlands Health Centre have a named doctor who has overall responsibility for your care and support. If you choose to see another doctor at the surgery you are entirely free to go on doing so exactly as before.


How to register

We have a two-step process to registering all new patients with the surgery:

1. You will be asked to complete the family doctor services registration form which you can do online here.

Kindly attend the surgery with Photographic ID and Proof of Address which you are required to provide. Registration takes approximately 48hrs though this can be expedited in an emergency.

What Can be Used As I.D 

  • Passport  
  • Driving Licence
  • Official I.D Card  

What Can be Used As Proof Of Address 

  • Bank Statement
  • Electiricity Bill  
  • Gas Bill      
  • Council Tax Bill  
  • Driving Licence    
  • Tenancy Agreement

When registering please bring the original I.D & Proof Of Address to the reception area.

2. It is recommended that you call or attend the surgery within 48hrs of registration to get an appointment to see the Health Care Assistant or Practice Nurse for a New Patient Health Check. This can take between 10 and 30 minutes to complete.

3. You are a fully registered patient once you have completed your Health Check.

4. Please request a copy of our practice leaflet via our secure online form


What Next?

Once you’ve registered, it’s easy to Book an Appointment with any of our GPs or practice nurses by phone, in person or online.

We also provide a range of Clinics & Services to help meet your health needs.


Live within our boundary area?

Woodlands Health Centre is a family friendly GP surgery which is fully wheelchair accessible. We welcome new patients who live or work within Hither Green, Lewisham and surrounding areas.